Saturday, October 24, 2009

The Sydney series

Poppy Simon and Bridge

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Sydney Postcard Shots

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Sydney Postcard Shots

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The Sydney Zoo

Zoo with a view

Seal meet Poppy, Poppy meet seal

Cheeky Monkeys

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At the Sydney Zoo

Otto of course loved the gondola

Rosita and Frankie
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A few more random shots in Sydney

Otto And Jess

Poppy and Simon

Fountian of youth
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A few random Sydney shots

Otto and Poppy on the hotel floor

China Town

Fishing at Bondi

Mat Jess and Otto

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Poppy and Otto Loving Sydney

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The Kulpe's let loose in Melbourne

Thanks for all the help witht the party guys you were awesome! Couldn't of done it without you.

I like these shots. Very Cute.

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Happy birthday Otto


Thanks granny Fi. I'm not sure exactly what this is but its pretty awesome.

These handles are great.

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