Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Pick the dodgyist Greer. 
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Trying to look good for a passport 3
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Trying to look good for a passport shot 2
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Trying to look good for a Passport shot 1
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Saturday, January 17, 2009

Outing to the gallery.
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At the musem of modern art. What a cultured baby. 
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4 animals. 
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Otto looking like a big kid.
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Uncle Manu.
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The two uncles.
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Day at the beach. 
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Fabian and Antje and kangaroo. 
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Otto on his due date. 4th Jan. At the beach. who would of thought. 
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Otto and Fabian 2. 
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Otto and Fabian 
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Otto and Al. 
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Otto one sunny morning.
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All I want for Christmas is a red jersey 
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If I can just get it over my head I'm sure it will fit.
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How many people does it take to wash a boy? 
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Bath time in the lounge. 
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Granny and Otto. 
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Bro and Sis. 
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Tara putting Otto to sleep or was it Otto putting Tara to sleep. 
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Preparing the bottle. And looking cute.
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