Saturday, April 25, 2009

Playing in the bath

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happy children....

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Rock n rollasaurus otto and holly

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Some interior shots

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Dog tired

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Funny face

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It's all a facade

Clifton house. Our house.
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The master at work. 
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Painting easter eggs

I thought I was a good graphic designer until I found out that I can't paint an easter egg very well. Dam round things. I like my grids.
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Changing all the time

On the change table
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Friday, April 10, 2009

Otto and his dog#2
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Lift off

Otto trying to push himself off the ground.

Boys best friend

Otto and his dog#1
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Otto loves to talk to trees

Easter at the park #5
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I had to have a go too. It looked like fun. 

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The ring master
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Easter Friday at the park #4
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Easter Friday at the park #3
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Easter Friday at the park #2
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Thursday, April 9, 2009

Easter Friday at the park #1
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